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Vol. 9 No. 11 November 2007 Page 1
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A Word Between Friends
find each boy or girl who had attempted to conceal himself or herself somewhere in or around the house. Occasionally, though, someone had hidden himself so well that his hiding place simply could not be discovered. It was then that the seeker would holler, “Come out, come out wherever you are! One time when I was a teenager, my cousin and I were playing hide-and-seek in the barn loft. Those doing the counting and about to do the seeking often counted quickly to the designated number, so that those hiding had to hide quickly, often choosing poor places to hide as little opportunity afforded much decision or even distancing oneself very far from the seeker. That day, I climbed into the loft and promptly lifted a bale of hay, crammed myself into a cavity between other bales and replaced the bale above me. My cousin searched everywhere and could not find me. He walked all around me and almost walked on top of me; finally, he called for me to come out, but I neither came out nor announced my whereabouts. In exasperation, he decided to just go ahead and throw down bales of hay to feed the cows. I was under the very first bale Ricky picked up to throw down from the loft. Oh, how much fun I thought that was, and how ironic was it that the first bale of hay he picked up after he gave up looking for me revealed that I was right at his side. Kid games by kids have their place, and are harmless. However, children’s games have no place in the church of our Lord. That sentiment might well apply to many circumstances in congregational settings (e.g., pouting or whining Christians and other childish behavior among the saints). Yet, the part of hide-and-seek at the end of a fruitless search for someone who has hidden himself well resonates with me respecting another situation applicable to the Lord’s church: “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” The last of June this year, Bonnie and I, after much reflection and prayer, accepted the invitation of J.C. and Betty Choate to work with them in their 45-year-old evangelistic efforts. The hardest part of evangelism today must be persuading congregations and Christians to part with some of the money in their possession of which they are stewards for God. Equally difficult is convincing congregations to sponsor a missionary, by receiving and dispersing funds relative to evangelism. Sometimes, it is difficult to convince congregations to permit a missionary the opportunity of apprising them about good mission works. I know that some congregations are already heavily involved in and are zealous of good works (Titus 2:14). I know that some congregations lack either the financial resources or the able-bodied persons to participate with a missionary family by sending them abroad or perhaps sponsoring them. Yet, I am convinced that there are still congregations of the Lord’s church and individual Christians who are able and willing to help missionaries fulfill the foremost mission of the churches of Christ (Mark 16:15-16). “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” At this writing, Bonnie and I still need a sponsoring
congregation; nominal responsibilities of a sponsoring congregation
involve opening or allowing to be opened a checking account in the name of the
church with a designation for evangelism. In addition, Bonnie and I find
ourselves woefully short of acquiring our living and work expenses. We have
moved to the facilities in Winona, MS and we are engaged in helping to
perpetuate this good work that the Choates have planted over more than four
decades, but we need your help. Please publish to as many congregations and
Christians as you can, dear Reader, our determination to glorify God in his
service by evangelizing the world to what extent we can, as long as we live.
Further, encourage them to “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” |
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