Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

Vol. 2, No. 6 Page 1 June 2000

Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

The Father really does know best!

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New Book by Editor
Biblical Companions: Geography, Archaeology & Sacred History
312 pages, paperback ~ $9.95
(also available in reproducible edition)
Navigational Hint: Click on blue, underlined text and any graphics that turn the cursor into a hand to follow the link.  For instance, clicking on most of the author names on the respective articles activates links to biographical sketches and often photographs.  Or, click on the graphic for respective department heads atop articles to follow those links. 

Louis Rushmore, Editor
Allen Webster, Associate Editor

External Evidences by
David P. Everson
Youth Page by Mark McWhorter
Since You Asked by Louis Rushmore

Production Staff includes:
Bonnie Rushmore, office manager
Rebecca Rushmore, proofreader

Inside This Issue
     by Louis Rushmore
The Parable of the Hidden Treasure
     by Allen Webster
Building a House
of Prayer, Part 1
External Evidences
     by David P. Everson
Microevolution and Macroevolution

The Human Body

     by Louis Rushmore
Adam’s Infamous Gift

Christian Work Ethic

Tongues of Angels
     by D. Gene West
The Star and The Scepter
     by D. Gene West
Youth Page by Mark McWhorter
Galatians 6:1

I Have A Friend

A Tribute to Bible Teachers
     by Barbara Hanna

Why Repent?
     by Andy Robison

Do I Have To?
     by Paul Hoover
So Much To Watch, So Little Time
     by Rebecca Rushmore
Guilt Can Be Good
     by Kevin Rhodes
John 3:16
     by Dennis Gulledge
Bible Authority
     by Basil Overton
The "Prophet" Margin
     by Dennis "Skip" Frances
What's It Called
     by Steve Higginbotham

Your Permanent Record
     by Steve Higginbotham

Church Listings & Classifieds
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What Will Evolutionists Do?

The New School Prayer

     by Louis Rushmore
Definition of Discipleship

Copyright 1999, conditions of use
Gospel Gazette Online
Louis Rushmore, Editor
4325 Southeast Drive
Steubenville, Ohio 43953-3353
rushmore@gospelgazette.com https://www.gospelgazette.com/ webmaster@gospelgazette.com