Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

Vol. 2, No. 1 Page 1 January 2000

Gospel Gazette, Bible Articles

Forbidden fruit creates many jams.

Remember to contact us if you want to be reminded each month when the new issue is ready for viewing.  Also, contact us for advertising in the pages of Gospel Gazette Online. rushmore@gospelgazette.com.

Get the Word Out!

Please, help us get the word out about Gospel Gazette OnlineSubscriptions are free!  Consider making our URL (https://www.gospelgazette.com/index.shtml) a permanent fixture on your church bulletin 
(or at least mention it periodically) 
and list us in your homepage links. ~ Editor
Product Line Expanding in 2000!
Visit our bookstore over the next few months to see the addition of numerous Bibles, Bible software, etc. to the selected books and Bibles to what we already offer.  Here's the deal; we'll try to save you a little money on some quality, selected books and Bibles; and, your purchase of these items will help us underwrite the expenses of producing Gospel Gazette Online.

Also remember us for your printing & binding needs (e.g., paperback books, binding bulletins, etc.).  Let us quote the production of your next lectureship book!

Navigational Hint: Click on blue, underlined text and any graphics that turn the cursor into a hand to follow the link.  For instance, clicking on most of the author names on the respective articles activates links to biographical sketches and often photographs.  Or, click on the graphic for respective department heads atop articles to follow those links. 

With this issue of Gospel Gazette Online we begin the second year of its publication on the Internet. We appreciate immensely the support of both writers and readers over the past 12 months. Your suggestions and other constructive criticisms whereby we may be able to improve upon this literary effort are humbly solicited. It is our earnest desire that through this tool we may be able in some small way to contribute to the useful service of Christ. We realize that as long as these archived pages remain available, they have the potential of doing good indefinitely anywhere on the planet wherever a precious soul has access to the Internet.

Beginning with this issue, each month for the next 26 months an article by yours truly explaining the parables of Christ will appear in Gospel Gazette Online.  These articles are taken from the two reproducible Bible class books that I have written and published:  The Parables of Our Lord, Vols. 1 & 2.  You may want to purchase these titles now instead of waiting for the lessons to appear over the next two years or so in Gospel Gazette Online.  Pictures accent the printed volumes and questions follow each chapter, whereas the pictures and questions will not appear in our journal.

Brother Basil Overton, whose articles have already appeared in the pages of GGO, is a long-time Gospel preacher and Editor of the World Evangelist.  We are pleased to announce that he has graciously consented to bless the pages of GGO with more of his articles monthly through at least the next two years.  Brother Overton's encouragement toward our efforts is greatly appreciated.  Too, we are indebted to the several others who grace Gospel Gazette Online with their timely, teaching articles.

Also beginning this issue, Gospel Gazette Online will feature an article each month (for the next 75 issues!) on Messianic prophecies.  This excellent and sometimes tedious series is authored by D. Gene West.  The good news is that one does not have to wait for the passing of six years and three months to acquire these outstanding lessons.  The first 16 lessons are currently available as a reproducible Bible class book, called: Messianic Prophecies Outlined, Vol. 1.  Check out this title in our online bookstore.  The balance of the lessons are being prepared now and a paperback with the 75 lessons together is tentatively planned for publication in 2000.

Please remember Gospel Gazette Online in your prayers and tell others about this free Internet journal.  Your suggestions and comments are always welcome and may be sent to rushmore@gospelgazette.com or Louis Rushmore, 4325 Southeast Drive, Steubenville, OH 43953-3353. ~ Editor

Louis Rushmore, Editor
Allen Webster, Associate Editor

External Evidences by
David P. Everson
Messianic Prophecies by D. Gene West
Youth Page by Mark McWhorter
Since You Asked by Louis Rushmore

Production Staff includes:
Bonnie Rushmore, office manager
Rebecca Rushmore, proofreader

Inside This Issue
Editorial by Louis Rushmore
The Parables Of Our Lord
Editorial by Allen Webster
Why Caleb Lived On A Mountain, Part 2
External Evidences by David P. Everson
The Camel’s Hump
Intelligent Oak Trees?
Signs of 2 Churches on 1 Post by Basil Overton
Taking Responsibility by Kevin Rhodes
Are You Sure by Kevin Rhodes
Study of Messianic Prophecy by D. Gene West
Youth Page by Mark McWhorter
Get An Addiction
Brotherly Love
Are All Believers Saved? by Eddie Cooper
Where Is God? Author Unknown
That Dog Won’t Hunt by Paul Hoover
Whithersoever Thou Goest, I Will Go by Judy Corns
Editorials by Louis Rushmore
Moral, Social and Polictical Issues
Since You Asked by Louis Rushmore
Individual Communion Wafers?
Women of the Bible: Rebekah by Bonnie Rushmore
Since You Asked by Louis Rushmore
Who's to Say What Is Modest?
Editorial by Louis Rushmore
Biblical Modesty
Editorial by Allen Webster
Do You Still Believe in God?
Church Listings & Classifieds
Display Advertising, News & Upcoming Events
Responsibilities by Andy Robison
The Love of God by Wellington H. Smith, Jr.

Copyright 1999, conditions of use
Gospel Gazette Online
Louis Rushmore, Editor
4325 Southeast Drive
Steubenville, Ohio 43953-3353
rushmore@gospelgazette.com https://www.gospelgazette.com/ webmaster@gospelgazette.com